Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Right now, I am a senior in college studying applied mathematics. This is my last semester of coursework, and I am supposed to do an internship next semester and go to graduate school next fall. But I don't know if I will end up getting the internship that I applied to, or for sure if I will get into Grad school. I'm also not entirely sure what I want to do with my life. I've always loved math, but sometimes it seems strange to think about studying it all the time, or spending the rest of my life with a math career. So right now I feel very much like I am adrift in some unknown world. I got that word from a book that I once read for a class called Boys Adrift. I don't remember the author right now, and since I wouldn't do it justice I won't try to summarize it. I'll keep you posted about what ends up happening.